Take the word Kaiju, which means "strange creature", add the prefix Dai, which means "large", and you get Daikaiju, which means "Large strange creature". Like Godzilla. Or King Ghidorah. Or Gamera. These are the strange, large creatures that we at Daikaijuzine get our inspiration from. We like stories that are strange, that have wacky, huge ideas, and are diverse in content and authorship. It's a labor of love, and we hope you love it too.
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
Richard S. Crawford
Managing Editor and Slush Reader
Jennifer Crawford
Associate Editors
Laura Birch
Laura Perez
Pamela Weis
Slush Reader Emeritus
Beth Johnson
Editors Emeritus
Dezzy Parrish
Janet S.
Bonnie Schutzmann
Elisabeth Kauffman