the giantess is sick and tired
of the constant comments
from everyone
especially the sneering jokes
from grown men (rarely kids)
asking where her beanstalk is
(as if she'd tell them;
that's a family secret)
her therapist has helped her
learn calming breaths
encouraged her to put in earbuds
pump up music
block out the persistent rudeness
so that she doesn't relapse
into her eating disorder
people always act weird when
they find out her diagnosis
and she tries not
to interpret that as if they mean
she's not human
that all she is
is big
never mind that those weird reactions
are why her disorder exists
why she tried in vain
to vomit herself smaller
someday she would like
to speak in public
about her experience
maybe do TEDTalks
her therapist encourages this goal
but the giantess knows
she's not ready for
that kind of scrutiny yet
not from other people
and definitely
not from herself