Kate Tyte

Kate M Tyte was born in Bath, England. She worked as an archivist for over ten years, before moving to Lisbon where she works as an English teacher. Her non-fiction has appeared in various British history and genealogy magazines. Her essays have appeared in Slightly Foxed, and her fiction and poetry in STORGYMONORiggwelter; Reflex Press; Idle Ink; The Fiction PoolPress Pause Press; Ghastly GastronomyLiving, Loving, Longing: LisbonStrange Spring: Stories We Wrote in Self-Isolation; The Chamber  and on The Other Stories and Creepy Pod podcasts. She is a book reviewer for STORGY and The Short Story. You can find more of her work at: katemtyte.wordpress.com 

Works by this author:

Skin Deep