Stone Language

The beach is deserted, the wind
Cold despite the sun being out
You sit across from me
Bound but unharmed—for now

I stack two stones
Everyday rocks
The foundation of the world
As my parents were of mine

I stack four more next to the first column
Ivory stones, rare and as pure
As my four sisters
Who are now missing

I reach for the pink and black rhodonite
I had to hunt for these seven stones
Just as I had to hunt for clues in the ashes
Of a house that had stood for seven generations

I can see by your expression that I don't
Have to stack the last five
They are as greenish tan as
Your face has gone

Five for your arms, your legs
And your head, which I will slowly
Remove from your body
While you still breathe

"Wait, I know where your sisters are"
I smile and lay out the last stone
Obsidian, polished—and very, very sharp
You have one chance: use it wisely